Gantry Display System
A flexible display screen system which links directly to the MarginMaker2 EPoS system
The gantry display system was originally developed by 2DB Limited as an economical alternative to traditional screen systems. Originally up to 5 screens were controlled by a Multiview PC, now small media players (known as Flex Players) are used with each screen being controlled by one Flex Player.
The consortium have an agreement with 2DB for the supply of this system to independent bookmakers.
The gantry display system is managed from a studio via broadband links. These can be the same broadband links as used by the EPoS system.
Although the size of the studio is relatively small the cost of setting up the studio and ongoing maintenance means that this solution is only viable for groups with over 40 shops.
Thus smaller chains either need to take a feed from a larger bookmaker or band together with other bookmakers to operate a shared studio.
The Consortium can offer shared studios facilities to smaller bookmakers.
When the system is installed users are supplied with a basic set of screen templates for display purposes.
Additional templates can be commissioned as required giving maximum flexibility. However this is expensive and time consuming for an individual company.
The BTC have designed a set of screen templates which can be personalised by each company. These templates will be continuously updated and maintained by the Consortium for members.
By working together a high quality display system can be developed at a fraction of the cost that would be incurred by an individual company.
The gantry display system can be used in a number of different layouts.